Vizija Public Institutions

Accounting for primary and secondary schools, colleges and other public institutions.

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The Department for Public Institutions provides tailor-made accounting for public institutions. Public bodies are non-profit organisations whose main activity is not to make a profit, but to provide a public service.  

It is precisely the specific characteristics of public bodies that makes the accounting different. Vizija offers a wealth of expertise in managing all the specific accounting and reporting issues that affect these types of organisations. 

If you need services such as:

  • Preparation of invoices and parents’ payments
  • preparing and submitting requests to ministries and municipalities
  • record turnover by statements
  • a cash-flow income and expenditure statement, 
  • the state and changes of share capital,
  • income statement by activity, 
  • a statement of financial claims and investments,
  • the financing account statement, 
  • statement of financial position and movements on long-term investments and loans 
  • various payroll reporting (Modra zavarovalnica, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, ISPAP to Ajpes)
  • drawing up financial plans (for secondary schools in NAPIS, for others on forms provided by municipalities, other ministries) 
  • debt status reporting (e-dolg)
  • reporting of assets for collective insurance purposes (KRIK)

We will then be happy to prepare you an offer for bookkeeping.

Our references in this field include many primary and secondary schools, colleges and other public institutions.

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